Each Amsterdam UMC PhD candidate follows an individual training program learning how to conduct independent, original and scientifically significant research, and critically evaluate their own work and that of others. According to the Doctorate Regulations VUmc PhD candidate shall devote at least 30 ECTS (840 hours) to training. AMC PhD candidates are advised to build a portfolio of 20-30 ECTS.
Registered Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates (AMC/UvA at AMC Graduate School, VUmc/VU at Hora Finita) may apply at any time for one or more courses of the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School. Unless stated otherwise, the courses are offered free of charge. The general introductory course ‘The Amsterdam UMC World of Science’ is highly recommended for all new Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates. This course should preferably be taken during the first year of research. The other courses can be taken in any order. An overview of courses can be found on the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School website.
Recommended PhD courses for all APH PhD candidates (Amsterdam UMC, VU or UvA) can be found on the APH website. Amsterdam Public Health aims to support, educate and guide the next generation of public health researchers. Besides the VUmc/VU education requirements the APH research institute’s education requirements include 6 EC on courses focused on advanced (methodological) research skills in public health. For other research institutes education requirements, read the APH PhD Handbook.
For PhD candidates working on a project that is embedded within APH, a discount of 25% applies to the course fee of epidemiology and advanced methodology courses organized by EpidM and/or the Master program in Epidemiology. A condition for obtaining the discount is that the research project is embedded within APH. This means that the project must have been approved by the Scientific Quality Committee of APH and has received the official embedding letter with a SQC number.
To meet the latest requirements to be allowed to carry out scientific research in the Netherlands the University Medical Centers in the Netherlands developed a Basic Course Organization Clinical scientific research (‘Basiscursus Organisatie Klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek’; BROK course). For information about the BROK course see websites; VUmc; AMC and NFU.