Scientific Quality

Promoting ongoing improvement in research quality is one of the primary goals of APH. The scope of these efforts includes all phases of research, that is study conceptualization, design, participant recruitment, data collection, data analysis, reporting, archiving, sharing, and dissemination. Across the research life cycle, APH stimulates and supports researchers in pursuing the highest degrees of soundness, trustworthiness, honesty, accuracy, and fairness. Increasingly, these efforts follow the approach of Open Science, defined as “the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods” ( Open Science may increase the societal impact of research not only by enhancing its soundness and credibility, but also by promoting reuse of methods and data and reducing research waste. Thus, Open Science principles are very much aligned with elements of APH’s mission and vision, including working in the public interest, seeking collaboration with fellow researchers and stakeholders, and building an open network.

The Scientific Quality Committee (SQC)

Co-develops and implements APH-specific research quality policies. The mission of the SQC is to promote that research across the programs of the institute attains high quality standards. The SQC also functions as the steering committee for APH-wide projects to improve research quality and implement Open Science practices.

The SQC consists of researchers with subject matter knowledge, methodological expertise, and interest in the overall increase in scientific quality. We strive for diversity and broad representation of junior, medior, and senior researchers across the programs and participating institutions. 

If you would like to join the SQC or want more information please email: 

Current SQC members:

  • Carlo Schuengel
  • Joske Nauta     
  • Hans Knoop      
  • Astrid Wind      
  • Ruben Duijnhoven
  • Wouter Ballegooijen     
  • Mariska Bot      
  • Yuri Milaneschi
  • Mirjam Geerlings
  • Joeri Tijdink    
  • Moira Goeman 
APH Quality Handbook

APH Quality Handbook was originally made available online for all researcher in the year 2003 and was named EMGO Quality Handbook. This body of work is built over the past years by researchers and staff of VU, VUmc, AMC and UvA. The aim of the handbook is to orient researchers towards practices that increase the quality and impact of their research and to provide an open platform for sharing what APH-researchers and subject matter experts have collectively learned about doing public health research in the best possible way. We would like to thank all the contributors over the years for their efforts!

If you would like to contribute or have improvement suggestions please contact us: