Search results for "tag:Data analysis"
14 results found
Handling missing data
will be prevented during data collection; Data analysis plan: Describe the reasons for missing data and how missing data will be handled and how missing data analyses will be performed (per questionnaire/instrument); Syntax: Documentation of the…
Data analysis
Aim To provide the basics of qualitative data analysis and provide relevant literature for more information on qualitative data analysis. Definition Qualitative research produces large amounts of textual data in the forms of transcripts and…
Initial data analysis
which has been used to perform the initial data analysis; Percentages of missing values and outliers; Cronbach’s alpha of new sub scales. Baseline characteristics of the study population (across treatment / exposure) Results from initial data…
Data analysis documentation
Requirements Clear documentation of the data analysis in a log file (for example SPSS syntax, Do file in STATA, R script or Word file), to be able to reproduce the relevant data analyses. Documentation Log file including: Specific research questions…
Data cleaning and transformation
this is done in accordance with the Statistical Analysis Plan; To trace errors back to their source; To include possible improvements in a copy of the raw data files and to store under a new name; To note modifications in the logbook/syntax or code.…
Analysis plan
Aim To promote structured targeted data analysis. Requirements An analysis plan should be created and finalized prior to the data analyses. Documentation The analysis plan (Guidelines per study type are provided below) Responsibilities Executing…
Data collection
discussions, observational methods and document analysis. A relatively new method is an art-based data-collection method. Combining two or more data collection methods, for instance interviews as well as focus groups (‘data triangulation’) enhances…
Supporting & monitoring data collectors
impossible values and missing values. This analysis may lead to modifications of the test protocol. This analysis may also lead to modifications in number of participants to be included or tested on the basis of a sample size re-calculation. The…
Supporting & monitoring data entry clerks
for data entry errors, and does not involve the analysis of the research question. The questionnaires need to be checked for completeness prior to the data of the questionnaire is entered. If possible, missing data should be retrieved.
FAIR Data stewardship
humans (other researchers) and machines (e.g. analysis scripts or algorithms, machine readable metadata, and the XML file of your self-built study database). What are the FAIR principles? The FAIR principles were published in 2016 and give guidance…
File maintenance
data when inconsistencies arise during the data analysis phase; Make new versions of files when updating/cleaning; Keep classification systems up to date (especially in longitudinal data files); Name files and variables logically. Documentation…
Post-hoc & sensitivity analyses
are performed when needed. Documentation Data analysis plan: Describe which post-hoc tests and sensitivity analyses will be performed. Syntax: Document the post-hoc tests and sensitivity analyses. Logbook: Document the decisions you made based on…
Data sharing
what data in the additional ‘intent-to-treat’ analysis. Communication and agreements Making agreements with other researchers/parties before sharing data helps to protect your rights and can help prevent issues further down the road. Identify the…
Data sharing
what data in the additional ‘intent-to-treat’ analysis. Communication and agreements Making agreements with other researchers/parties before sharing data helps to protect your rights and can help prevent issues further down the road. Identify the…